Colonel Richard Lee, also known as "the
Immigrant" was the founder of the Lee family in Virginia.
A member of the Coton branch of the Lees of
County Shropshire, England,
he immigrated to Virginia circa. 1640,
settling first in York County and
later in Northumberland County. A
tobacco planter, Lee became wealthy and was an important figure
in Virginia, being at various times justice, burgess, member of
the council, attorney general, and secretary of state. |
About Richard Lee |
1613, Nordley Regis, Coton, County Shropshire, England |
John Lee and Jane Hancock |
BAPTIZED: March 22, 1617, Worcester, Saint Martin, Worcester |
Anne Constable Owen, 1641, Jamestown, Virginia |
John Lee(1645-1673)
Richard Lee(1647-1714) - The Stratford Hall Lees
Francis Lee(1648-1714)
William Lee(1651-1697) - The Bedford, Virginia Lees
Hancock Lee(1653-1709)
Elizabeth Lee(1653)
Anne Lee(1645-1701)
Charles C. Lee(1656-1701) |
March 1, 1664, Cobb's Hall, "Dividing Creek", Northumberland
County, Virginia |
More About Richard Lee |
There are many
records about Richard Lee, who beside being the emigrant and
ancestor to a number of historical figures, he was also a
prominent and distinguished colonist. He apparently came to
Virginia from England in about 1640.
He apparently was settled in York County in about 1642. He
became a significant land owner, a member of the
House of Burgesses,
and a Justice of the court while he
lived in York County. He is described a s a planter, and with
the title of Colonel. He apparently was fairly wealthy. He
traveled back and forth between England and Virginia, and
maintained connections in England until his death. He apparently
moved to Northumberland County in about 1654, where he died in
1663/64. His estate remained in his family for many years, known
as "Cobbs Hall," although that home was
not built until about 1720. |
An early account of
Richard Lee is given in Lees of VA, p.
49, in a passage written by William Lee in 1771 |
Lee, of a good family in Shropshire (and whose Picture I am told
is now at Coton, near Bridgenorth, the seat of Launcelot Lee,
Esq.), some time in the Reign of Charles the first, went over to
the Colony of Virginia, as Secretary, and one of the King's
Privy Council. |
He was a
man of good Stature, comely visage, and enterprising genius, a
sound head, vigorous spirit and
generous nature. When he got to Virginia, which was at that time
not much cultivated, he was so pleased with the Country that he
made large settlements there with the servants he had carried
over; after some years, he returned to England, and gave away
all the lands he had taken up, and settled at his own expense,
to those servants he had fixed on them; some of whose
descendants are now possessed of very considerable Estates in
that Colony. After staying some Time in England, he returned
again to Virginia, with a fresh band of Adventurers, all of whom
he settled there. |
In 1646,
Richard Lee sat on the York bench as a magistrate, with a Dr.
Henry Lee, who married Marah Adkins. Richard patented 1,250
acres in York Co., VA in 1648, and named, amongst his head
rights, Henry, Matthew, and George Lee, who may have been his
relatives. That Richard settled first in York Co., is proven by
the grant of 1,000 acres, dated 10 Aug 1642; the patent states
that his land was due unto the said Richard Lee by and for his
own personal Adventure, his wife Ann, and John Francis and by
assignment from Mr. Thomas Hill, Florentine Paine and William
Freeman of their right of land due for the transportation of
Seaventeene persons. |
land was the plantation, Paradise in his will, and bequeathed to
his second son, Richard . This name is frequently applied to
subsequent records to this plantation; as on the 22n d of July,
1674, in a patent issued to Major Richard Lee for 1,140 acres in
Gloster, called Paradise, on a branch of Poropotank Creek; 1,000
thereof being due to said Richard Lee by two former patents, and
the residence now found to be within the bounds. 94 Richard
represented York County as Burgess in
1647, and in 1651 Mr. Lee was paid for services as Burgess of
Northumberland County. It seems possible that Richard Lee was
engaged in commerce as well as agriculture, and that he had an
interest in vessels trading between England and Virginia, as had
many of the large planters. In his will, he bequeathed to his
son, Francis, his interest in two
ships, which was 1/8th part in each vessel. He appears to have
made frequent voyages to and fro; being in England in 1654-55,
again in 1659, and later in 1661 and in 1663. |
Richard's first home in Virginia was on the York River, near the
head of Poropotank Creek, where he had
a store or warehouse. His next home was located on the Dividing
Creeks in Northumberland, which afforded a very safe harbor. The
main creek is only a mile or two long; then it divides into
branches, which makes several small peninsulas or necks as they
were formerly called. On two of these necks Richard Lee located
his two plantations, where we can find grants for 800 and 600
acres in 1651 and 1656 respectively. Richard was not only
Burgess for several counties, but served in several capacities,
having been Justice, member of the Council and Secretary of
State. He also served on various commissions. While in England
in 1663, his wife and children being there also, Richard made
his will; the wording of this will indicates that he had given
up his intention of settling permanently in England. For he
ordered that his estate there should be sold, gave minute
directions for the payment of his debts, and closing up of his
interests in that country, and made arrangements for the
settlement of his children in Virginia. The account of his
property given in his will shows him to have been possessed of
considerable wealth for that day. If
his tobacco crop was actually worth
L2000 a year, as Gibbon estimated, and his estate at Stratford-Langton,
L800 a year, as stated by William Lee, then Richard Lee must
have enjoyed an income larger than most of the early planters. |
From Virginia Vital
Records, The Grave of Richard Lee, the Emigrant, by Ludwell Lee
Montague |
Grave of Richard Lee, The Emigrant- In March 1664 Colonel
Richard Lee, then of London and Stratford Langton in Essex, died
at his plantation on Dividing Creek in Northumberland County,
Virginia, and was buried in the garden of his home there. As
late as 1798 his tombstone was still to be seen at the site.
Pursuant to Richard Lee's will, his widow (nee Anne Constable)
and younger children returned from England to live at the
Dividing Creek plantation, which was eventually inherited by his
youngest son, Charles (1656-1701). In the course of time, Anne
Constable, Charles Lee, and Charles' wife, Elizabeth Medstrand,
were in their turn buried near the grave of Richard Lee. About
1720 Charles Lee II (1684-1734) abandoned the original Lee home
in Dividing Creek and built "Cobbs Hall" at a site about a half
mile to the east. However, the "Cobbs Hall" family continued to
use the burying ground at the original site. Thus Charles Lee II
(but not his widow, Elizabeth Pinckard, who remarried and lived
and died elsewhere), Charles Lee III (1722-1747), and the
latter's two wives, Mary Lee of " Ditchley" and Leeanna Jones of
"Hickory Neck, " were also buried there. This Leeanna Jones was
herself a great-granddaughter of Richard Lee and granddaughter
of Charles Lee I. |
In her
will, probated in 1761, she ordered the erection of "a proper
brick wall round the Burying place of myself, and ancestors on
this plantation." In 1923 Cazenove Lee undertook to find the
grave of the emigrant Richard Lee. At the "Cobbs Hall" burying
ground the only evidence above ground was the tombstone of Susan
Lee (1802-1852), the wife of William Harvey. Probing in the
vicinity, however, Cazenove Lee discovered the foundations of
the wall erected pursuant to the will of Leeanna Lee. (Cazenove
Lee, "Locating the Grave of Colonel Richard Lee, " Magazine of
the Society of the Lees of Virginia, V, 43-49.) The grave of the
emigrant Richard Lee was certainly within that enclosure. In
1956 E. Walter Harvey, Sr. the present master of "Cobbs Hall, "
presented the old family burying ground to the Society of the
Less of Virginia, which undertook to
clear the site, to restore Leeanna Lee's wall, and to erect a
suitable marker. This work has now been accomplished. On May 3,
1958, with appropriate ceremony, the site was rededicated to the
memory of the first Richard Lee, of Anne Constable, his
wife, and of their "Cobbs Hall"
descendants buried there." |
Richard Lee's Will |
In the Name of
God, Amen. I, Richard Lee, of Virginia and lately of Stratford
Langton, in the county of Essex , Esquire being bound upon a
voyage to Virginia afore said, and not knowing how it may please
God to dispose of me in so long a voyage, utterly renouncing,
disclaiming, disannulling, and revolking[sic]
all former wills, either script, nuncupative or parol, and
schedules or codicils of wills whatsoever, do make, ordain and
declare this my last will and Testament in manner and form
following, first: I give and bequeath my soul to that good and
gracious God that gave it me and to my Blessed Redeemer Jesus
Christ, assuredly trusting in and by his meritorious death and
passion to receiving salvation and my body to be disposed of
whether by land or sea or according to the opportunity of the
place, not doubting but at the last day both body and soul shal[sic]
be reunited and glorified. Next, my will and desire is that all
my estate aforesaid, both lease land, freeland and copyhold
land, and houses be, with all convenient speed that may be, sold
for the payment of my debts to John Jeffries Eqs. and what the
sale of that shall fall short of, to be made good out of my
crops in Virginia, to be consigned to my good friends Mr Thomas
Griffith and John Lockey, or one of them in that behalf, and
in case the estate of Stratford be not
as speedily sold as I desire, that then the best improvement
possible may be made from year to year of my said plantation,
and my servants labour with such directions and appointments as
the said Griffith and Lockey, or one of them, for the
better managing and effecting thereof. Also my will and earnest
desire is that my good friends will with all convenient speed
cause my wife and chldren (all except Francis if he be pleased)
to be transported to Virginia, and to provide all necessary for
the voyage, and from time to time till my estate be disentangled
and free of all my debts, to provide and allow for them, and
everyone of them, a competent and convenient maintenance
according as the product of the estate will bear, relation being
had to the payment of my debts and the annual supply of my
several plantations, all of which I absolutely refer to the said
Thomas Griffith and John Lockey and after my debts are paid, I
give and bequeath my estate as followeth:
To my wife,
during her life, I give the plantation whereon I now dwell, ten
English servants , five negroes, 3 men and 2 women, 20 sows and
corn proportionable to the servants: the said negroes I give to
her during her widowhood and no longer, and then presently to
return to those of the five youngest children, also the
plantation Mocke Nock. |
Item. My
will and earnest desire is the my household staff at Stratford
be divided into three parts, two of which I give to my son John,
and bind him to give to every one of his brothers a bed and the
other part I give to my wife Anna Lee. |
Item. I
give all my plate to my three oldest sons, or the survivor of
survivors of them, each to have his part delivered to him when
he comes to the age of 18 years. |
Item. I
give to my son John and his heirs forever, when he comes to the
age of 18 years, all my land and plantation at Machotick, all of
the stock of cattle and hogs thereupon, also 10 negroes,
viz., five men and five women, and 10 English servants for their
times, all the corn that shall be found there, all tools,
household stuff, and utensils thereupon. |
Item. To
Richard and his heirs forever, when he comes to the age
aforesaid, I give my plantation called
Paradise, with all my servants thereupon, all my stock of cattle
and hogs, all working tools and utensils, and corn that shall be
found thereupon to be for the provision of the said servants. |
Item. To
Francis and his heirs forever, when he comes to the age
aforesaid, I give the Papermakers Neck and the War Captains Neck
with five negroes, three men and two women, and 10 English
servants, and the stock of cattle and hogs, corn, and tools, and
utensils upon the said several Necks. |
Item. I
give and bequeath to the five younger children,
viz.: William, Hancock, Betsey, Anne , and Charles, the
plantation whereon John Baswell now lives and so all along
including Biship's Neck and to the utmost extent of my land
towards Brewer's and also 4,000 acres upon Potomac, also the two
plantations before bequeathed to my wife, after her death to be
divided between them or their survivors or survivor
of them, also all the rest of my cattle, hogs, corn, household
stuffs, tools, or whatsoever is or shall be found upon the said
plantations at the time of my death, all which said estate so
bequeathed to my younger children, after my debt s are paid. I
desire may be employed upon said plantation
for a joint stock to raise portions of the said children against
they come of age aforesaid or the females married. The said
servants and what other products of their labours whether moendy
or whatsoever, to be equally divided between them or their
survivors or survivor of them, but the
said land only to be divided between the male children. |
Item. I
give and bequeath unto my eldest son, John, three islands lying
in the Bay of Chesapeake, the great new bed that I brought over
in the Duke of York, and the furniture thereunto belonging. |
Item. My
will is that my horses, mares, and colts be equally divided in
two parts, one where of to be and belonging to my three eldest
children, and the other to my five youngest and shall be sold as
they increase toward raising money for their portions,
and in case of any of the three eldest children die before they
come to the age of 18 years that then his or their portion
come to the survivors or survivor of them and in case they all
dies that the whole personal estate equally to return to the
five youngest children, but the land only to the male children,
and if the five younger children die before they come to the age
aforesaid, of the females married, then their parts to be divide
among the three eldest or survivors or survivor of them. |
Item. My
will is that my son William Lee have all that land on the
Maryland side, where George English is
now seated, when he comes to the age
aforesaid; also my will is that goods sufficient be set apart
for the maintenance of the gangs of each plantation for the
space of two years and all the rest of my goods to be sold to
the best advantage and the tobacco shipped here to Mr Lockey and
Mr Griffith toward the payment of my debts. |
Item. I
give and bequeath unto my son Francis after my debts are paid,
my whole interest in the ship called Elizabeth and Mary, being
one-eigth part also one-eighth part in the ship called The Susan
and in case of the death of Francis, I give the same to Charles,
and in the case of his death to the two girls Elizabeth and
Anne. But in case that by the blessing of Go upon the
industry and labour of my people upon the several plantations,
my said debts be fully satisfied before the said land at
Stratford be sold, nevertheless, I will and entreat my good
friends, Mr Griffith and Mr Lockey, on one of them [that] it may
be sold to the most and best advantage, and the produce thereof
put out at interest, and the interest
thereof be employed for and towards the education of John and
Richard, equally, to assist the one of his travels for
attainment of reasonable perfection in the knowledge of
Physic's, the other at the Unveirstity or the inns of Corut
which he shall be most fit for, and the principal money to be
equally divided between the two daughters when they come to age
or be married, and that the said daughters be utterly debarred
from all former legacies given to them as foresaid, but in case
of their death then the sale and produce of said estate at
Stratford to be equally divided
between my eldest son, John, and my youngest son Charles. Also I
desire and order that my wife, my son
John, and all my overseares[sic], that
either all or one, shall from time to time keep a correspondence
with the said Griffith and Lockey, and order all my affairs in
Virginia to the best advantage, as they or one of them shall
direct them, and ship all my tobacco and what else shall be
raised upon the said plantations to the said Griffith and Lockey
f or satisfaction of my debt and advantage of my children and do
yearly give them an account of all horses, mares, negroes, goods
and all other things according as they shall receive directions
and instructions from the said Mr Thomas Griffith and Mr Lockey. |
For the use aforesaid I make and ordain my everloving friends,
Mr Thomas Griffith and Mr Lockey, merchants, John and Richard
Lee, my full and sole Executors of this my Last Will and
Testament, but in respect to my son Richard, till he cometh of
age, I do absolutely place all
management of my will upon the care and trust of first mentioned
executors till my said son, Richard Lee, comes to age as
aforesaid, hoping the same friendship to mine after my death
which they have always done unto me. In witness thereof I have
heresoto set my hand and seal this the sixth day of February in
the 16th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles II King
of Great Britain, & c, & c, and in they year of our Lord 1664. |
will was probated in London, the next year: 1664-5 Richardus
Lee. January. Decimo die p robatum fuit Testamentum Richardi Lee
nup de Stratford Langton in Com Essexine sed apud Virgi nia in
ptibus transmarinus ar defunct hents, &c. Jurament Thomae
Griffith et Johis Lockey duo r Execut, & c, guih. & c., de bene
& c. Jurat. Reservata ptate Similem Comnem faciend Johi e t
Richo Lee alt Execut & c." |
Johis P C C Probate
Act Book fo 3. |